domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010


Jose Antonio Labordeta was a man of integrity and a good man primordialment. Aragones defended the right to democracy where and when to express your ideas you could go to jail. Writer, poet and songwriter became a deputy for the Board Aragonesista to defend the rights of the Aragone. Deeply lovedd his country and was higly regarded by all left-wing intellectuals.  They were famous in their fights with Congress right-wing deputies because rude constantly interrupted by not letting him to express what there was. Mocked him. His farewell when he left politics he did with a jack that was applauded all over the floor, because not only was repected by the deputies of the Left, but also by the right wing. It had won the affection of all. He did a series on TV that was called a country in the backpack. It was based on a traveler who traveled on foot over the country, but not the big cities but the villages lost chatting with people, eating with them, living life at first hand. He will be missed, we need people of that humanity.

1 comentario:

  1. Jose Antonio Labordeta durante una intervencion en el Congreso de los Diputados, en su etapa politica.
